Paddys Gin Bert JW
AQHA 5670542

2015 Bay Stallion
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Thanks Chad--Repeat Buyer! 

Born 4-29-15. ‘Bert’ is a bay stallion with only a front coronet on his left rear foot.  We wanted to have some fun with names this year, so we did Sesame Street names. Some of our foals have pedigree names, but he was a foal we got to play around with! We sure hope his buddy Ernie will show up in a future birth!  Bert is going to be a powerful athlete. Mujer Lucy Skip JW, is a beautiful buckskin mare with a frosted mane that is 83% NFQHA. She was purchased from Grantier Quarter Horses because her mare line is very close to several of our VERY PROVEN ranch horses. Mujer Tacky Jay, now deceased, made a name for himself producing using horses for the family, ranch, arena and youth. We really believe in these horse families.

This is the fifth breeding between Lucy and TRR Paddys Texas Gin and they have not disappointed us. The Paddys Irish Whiskey horses are making a name for themselves in everything from cutting to cowhorse events to roping horses and are very versatile—Tanquery Gin, Doc O’Lena, Docs Starlight, Poco Tivio, Peppy San Badger. The 2010 full brother, Paddys Gin Laredo JW , is now in Nebraska on a ranch. 2012 full brother, Paddys Gin Skip JW is starting his show career with Matt and Jessica Schlegel and Schlegel Horse Training in reined cowhorse. His maternal 2013 brother, Hokey Pokey Reed JW, also went to the Schelgals as all-around ranch horse and has started very well spring 2015. 2014 full sister, Paddys Gin Sash JW, stayed with a family here in ND. Bert will have all the right moves and ‘cowiness’ to make an excellent performance, ranch, or rope horse. He will be a dynamo package with a good disposition. This is turning out to be a nice proven cross.  Bert will be for sale.

5 Panel Genetic Results

UPDATE 12-18-15 Bert is a fantastic colt and N/N on all the five panel testing.  He was extremely easy to halter train, show great athletic ability and just keeps getting better and better every day.  He has been purchased by a repeat buyer and will be joining 2013 Paddys Gin Tango JW.  Bert's full brother, 2012 Paddys Gin Skip JW, continues to be shown in Reined Cowhorse and is doing very well.  Bert certainly has those abilities as well.  His mama is bred back the same way for 2016.  Congrats Chad and thanks for another purchase of a 'Tex' colt!

$ 1600 (US)

2015 PRICING INCLUDES: Halter/lead rope, negative coggins, health, brand inspection, initial and booster vaccinations of EWT-Flu-Rhino, 1 bag of our Woroniecki All Around pelleted feed, AQHA transfer fee paid and halter training. This is a $250+ value included IN the price.  North Dakota buyers who take right off the mare (not halter broke), repeat and multiple horse buyers will be less. 

TRR Paddys Texas Gin

Paddys Irish Whiskey
Peppy San Badger
Docs Starlight x Doc Bar
TRR Miss Bay Gin
Tanquery Gin x Doc O'Lena
Right On Able Mable x Right On Tivio


Mujer Lucy Skip JW

Mujer Tacky Jay
Caballero Mujer x Beau Bar Mujer
Miss Rovin Tacky x Rovin' Jet x Jet Deck
Miss Lori Jay
Buck Dew Jay x Daves Jay
Lori Darn Jay x Dewesun

Jodie & Warren Woroniecki


7075 28th St.
Hebron, ND 58638
[email protected]

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