Paddys Gin Keene JW
AQHA 5670539

2015 Bay Mare
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Thanks Falynne 

Born 4-29-15.  ‘Keene’ is a bay filly with only a small star. Her dam is Leta Reed JB. She is one of our own JK Jay Reed aka Pine Cone daughters that we have exposed to TRR PaddysTexas Gin aka Tex.  This is quite the epitome of our program to put Tex back on a Pine Cone daughter. We are blending these two families Pine Cone and Tex. The name Keene comes from Leta’s pedigree. Leta’s is built nice and has a friendly disposition too.

This is Tex’s seventh foal crop. He puts very thick and muscular foals on the ground with very nice muscle expression on them as well as a lot of athleticism and as they develop they have a lot of vigor. The oldest ones have been started under saddle by various buyers and we are hearing good things from all of them.  The Paddys Irish Whiskey horses are making a name for themselves in everything from cutting to cowhorse events to roping horses and are very versatile—Tanquery Gin, Doc O’Lena, Docs Starlight, Poco Tivio, Peppy San Badger.  Keene is a nice sized foal. Her older maternal sibling is 2012 mare, Letas Kotoa Kitty JW, and we have retained her for our program. Her full 2014 brother, Paddys Gin Reed JW, has joined a buyer in SD where he is exceeding their expectations! Keene is bred ‘cow’ top to bottom. Just imagine what all this cow will do! She will be able to go any direction from top performance to a top all-around ranch horse. Keene will be for sale.

5 Panel Genetic Results

UPDATE 2-22-16  Keene is a powerful and yet feminine filly.  She will be very cowy and athletic with a very kind eye.  She is also 5 panel N/N on all five diseases so she will be a wonderful asset to anybody's breeding program.  We look forward to hearing how Keene does with her new owner, Falynne!

$1400 (US)

2015 PRICING INCLUDES: Halter/lead rope, negative coggins, health, brand inspection, initial and booster vaccinations of EWT-Flu-Rhino, 1 bag of our Woroniecki All Around pelleted feed, AQHA transfer fee paid and halter training. This is a $250+ value included IN the price.  North Dakota buyers who take right off the mare (not halter broke), repeat and multiple horse buyers will be less.         

TRR Paddys Texas Gin

Paddys Irish Whiskey
Peppy San Badger
Docs Starlight x Doc Bar
TRR Miss Bay Gin
Tanquery Gin x Doc O'Lena
Right On Able Mable x Right On Tivio


Leta Reed JB

JK Jay Reed
Shadow Ridin Pine x Pine Feathers x Poco Pine
Christine Naugher x Whiskey Bert x Joe Reed II
My Little Kitty
My Little Midge

Jodie & Warren Woroniecki


7075 28th St.
Hebron, ND 58638
[email protected]

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