Jupiter Topsail JW
AQHA 6370866

2024 Grulla/Dun Stallion
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Due to unforeseen circumstances, we only had interns until the middle of June and are currently without any which we usually have through December of each year. Therefore, we have been delayed with getting our 34 foals on the website & Facebook. Please be patient with us.  We know many folks have been messaging and calling. We won’t have any additional help with halter breaking this fall and are pricing all colts and fillies for the same price of $2000 each with $2250 if they are colored with cream, gray or roan. We will honor the 10% discount for repeat and multiple buyers. We reserve the right to keep which we want for ourselves and to keep some at a higher price. Halter training will be basic and gentled but not to the same degree some of you may be used to.  They will be weaned and eating good for 2 weeks. Genetic testing will be sent in but will be listed as pending for those with no results yet.  Whoop Up Whiskey has a 50/50 chance as GBED carrier; TRR Paddys Texas Gin has a 50/50 chance as HERDA carrier; and handful of mares with have a 50/50 chance as either one or both of those two disorders. This colt will stay higher priced.

Born 6-1-24. Some years we do a fun theme for names. This year we decided to go with a space theme.  Many of these names are a little loose in thoughts regarding if they are planets, stars, or things found in space.  This colt is named Jupiter. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system.

‘Jupiter’ is a grulla or dun stallion with some white. He will get color tested. His dam, Chex Mix Mega aka Chex is a 91% NFQHA (F0039285) solid grullo filly. We are beyond pleased with her.  We bought her mama, Megas Lil Starlight in foal to Smart Charcoal Chex and really hit the jackpot with this sweet filly.  We had long admired Weninger Quarter Horses program and drooled over the foals by their stallion Indigo Mega.  So much of Meg’s pedigree speaks for itself and it has many favorites of ours and a few lines that are new to us. We have long wanted Hollywod Jac 86 and Mr Joe Glo; love the Joe Cody in a couple of our other mares; of course there is the Poco Bueno in there; Doc Quixote, Colonel Freckles and we cannot forget Grays Starlight. If you follow our program at all, you can see we are pretty high on Paddys Irish Whiskey and he is a full brother to Grays Starlight. And all this in a great grullo package as a bonus. You can study further on Indigo Mega by clicking his name. Her sire is Smart Charcoal Chex from the Ammon Ranch here in North Dakota and with their permission this is some of the information from their website.  He is nominated with the SDRCHA making Chex eligible for their stallion stakes show and money.  He has qualified for the NRCHA World show in Limited Open Bridle in 2011-2015 and also AQHA World Show qualified in Ranch Horse Pleasure.  He is out of a money earning and producing mare named Miss Reed Chex by Bueno Chex and has produced 6 performers. Chex’s first foal, Chex Cody Topsail JW, went with a repeat buyer in CA. Her 2023 foal, Carnelian Topsail JW, was absolutely outstanding and went to KS.

Jupiter’s sire is Goldun Topsail aka “Topper” who is a 90% NFQHA (F0039287) dun stallion. He is our newest stallion and this is his 4th foal crop. We acquired Topper as part of a package deal with his dam, Whizzin Lena. As a grandson of Topsail Whiz and a son of Jaz Poco Goldun Blue we could not be happier. His dam, Whizzin Lena aka Whiz is an older mare we purchased from Ryan Fleetwod at Fleetwood Farms. Bred at Bob Loomis Quarter Horses in Oklahoma, Whiz is a very well-bred reining mare.  Sired by Topsail Whiz, the 1st and only NRHA 12 million dollar sire, and out of a mare by Justa Doc Olena by Doc O Lena, this mare was third in the South Country Derby Non-Pro division in 2001 and won the Non-Pro Reining Futurity at the Canadian Supreme in Red Deer, Alberta. Whiz’s earnings include NRHA $3,754. She also has four performing foals. Her sire Topsail Whiz is in the Hall of Fame, a NRHA money earner, NRHA #1 all time leading sire, AQHA World Show Qualifier, AQHA Leading Sire and  ROM Performance. Topper’s sire is Jaz Poco Goldun Blue who is the most photographed or well-known grulla horse. He is 95% foundation and 27% Poco Bueno. With all the titles to his name, and to his progeny, there is no doubt that this is a horse who truly has it all - conformation, disposition, trainability, talent - all wrapped up in that great grulla color!“ as stated by Ryan Fleetwood of Feetwood Farms about Jaz Poco Goldun Blue. He is a NRHA money earner and a World Champion Sire. Topper started very well under saddle as a two year old.

Jupiter will be 91% NFQHA and eligible to register. This guy should have athletic ability and especially if you are drawn to foundation bloodlines. Genetic testing is N/N by parentage.

$4000 (US)

Foal is eligible for the Iowa Quarter Horse Association Ranch Horse Futurity.

2024 PRICING INCLUDES: Halter/lead rope, negative coggins, health, brand inspection, initial and booster vaccinations of EWT-Flu-Rhino, 1 bag of his current feed, AQHA transfer fee paid and halter training. This is a $300+ value included in the price. Repeat and multiple horse buyers will be less.  If you are not already an AQHA member, you may get your own membership, or we will assess you an additional $65 one-year membership fee to do the $40 transfer for your new purchase.

Genetic 5 Panel Results

Goldun Topsail

Jaz Poco Goldun Blue
Little Steel Dust x Poco King Tuck
Slick Rock Nina x Pocos Gray Comet
Whizzin Lena
Topsail Whiz x Topsail Cody
Petralena x Justsa Doc Olena


Chex Mix Mega

Smart Charcoal Chex
Smart Little Lena
Miss Reed Chex x Bueno Chex
Megas Lil Starlight
Indigo Mega x Marthas Mega Jac x Hollywood Jac
Lilafur x Lil Buckwheat x Grays Starlight

Jodie & Warren Woroniecki


7075 28th St.
Hebron, ND 58638
[email protected]

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