Paddys Gin Shasta JW
AQHA 5299925

2010 Bay Roan Mare
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Thanks Peter! 

Born 4-29-10.  Bay roan granddaughter of Paddys Irish Whiskey.  ‘Shasta’ is the first foal of TRR Paddys Texas Gin’s second foal crop. We could not wait to breed Fancy Roan Belle to Tex and she has not disappointed us.  Shasta is her 9th foal and ALL the previous have been roans and they all roan heavier than she does.  Although she’s bay now, we fully expect Shasta to be a bay roan.  She has a few forehead hairs and about a quarter inch of white on the left rear heel.  Fancy Roan Belle is an awesome 87% NFQHA proven mare with one stallion standing at stud; we are riding her 2004 bay roan daughter, Docs Fancy Roan, and we have retained 2008 dark chestnut roan, Peponita Roan Bar JW for our program.  Let’s look at the mare’s pedigree deep in Reeves breeding from South Dakota--Fancy Roan Bar, Roan Bar, Bell Boy Bar, Tom Baker, Bar Nothing Springer and Bartender.  You cannot ask for a better foundation, ranch, cow or arena bloodline.  The mare puts a very nice disposition on her foals. The Paddys Irish Whiskey horses are making a name for themselves in everything from cutting to cowhorse events to roping horses and are very versatile—Tanquery Gin, Doc O’Lena, Docs Starlight, Poco Tivio, Peppy San Badger.  HERDA N/N.  $1600 (US)

UPDATE 10-8-10.  WOW--she's roan now!!!  Shasta is a very nice sweet filly--disposition plus!  In addition to that she is feminine in her face and head and has a super nice hip and she’ll have the gorgeous bay roan color as a bonus.  Shasta is headed to Oklahoma where she'll get a chance to prove out her cowhorse abilities.  Best wishes to Peter with this nice filly and thank you to everyone who expressed interest in her.

TRR Paddys Texas Gin

Paddys Irish Whiskey
Peppy San Badger
Docs Starlight x Doc Bar
TRR Miss Bay Gin
Tanquery Gin x Doc O Lena
Right On Able Mable x Right On Tivio


Fancy Roan Belle

Roan Bar Dandy
Roan Bar Go x Fancy Roan Bar
Belle Dandy x Bell Boy Bar
Cake and Cream
Barts Blue Boy Too
Kristi Cake

Jodie & Warren Woroniecki


7075 28th St.
Hebron, ND 58638
[email protected]

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