Zanzibar Reed JW
AQHA 5299760

2010 Bay Mare
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Born 5-2-10.  Wow—this is a great solid bay filly with NO white.  Take a good look at her mama—if you like her you are going to like ‘Zanzibar’.  If you like a nice stand up smart looking mare with femininity this will be the one.  She will be a rider and will cover ground smoothly.  We have patiently waited for our Mujer Tacky Jay fillies to reach breeding age and enter the broodmare bunch.  Mujer Dusty Bar JW aka Dusty is 83% NFQHA and was purchased from Grantier Quarter Horses because her mare line is very close to several of our VERY PROVEN ranch horses.  Mujer Tacky Jay, now deceased, made a name for himself producing using horses for the family, ranch, arena and youth.  We really believe in these horse families.  Zanzibar’s sire is JK Jay Reed aka Pine Cone, a 96% foundation bred stallion with Poco Pine, Continental King by King P-234, Joe Reed II and Whiskey Bert all on his papers.  Pine Cone has King P-234 fairly close up and goes back to him six times.  Zanzibar is 89.5% foundation eligible with the NFQHA and will be able to go any direction from trail to ranch horse with plenty of ‘cow’ and stoutness for roping as well.  Her lines will also give you plenty of speed.  We expect a very sweet disposition from both dam and sire.  Check out two other JK Jay Reed riders, My Kittys Belle JW and Whiskeybertshadow JW..  Zanzibar is also very closely bred to Whiskeybertshadow JW’s dam.  Both dam and sire are HERDA N/N so Zanzibar is also N/N.  $750 (US)

UPDATE 6-5-11.  Zanzibar was one of our favorites for 2010.  She was a pasture greeter and  nickered back and forth a with us.  She is very proportional and balanced and really bloomed as a yearling. Don't forget that she's a beautiful solid bay.  Her mama was chosen because of her close genetics and look to one of our outstanding saddle mares and Zanzibar has that same look and genetics.  We expect that she will make a great rider and cowhorse prospect in a traditional solid bay look.  She certainly has the style and pedigree to be a future broodmare.  We wish her new owner, Courtney, great success and happy times.

JK Jay Reed

Shadow Ridin Pine
Pine Feathers x Poco Pine
Kings Katie Rose x Continental King
Christine Naugher
Whiskey Bert x Joe Reed II
Senorita 112 x Senor San


Mujer Dusty Bar JW

Mujer Tacky Jay
Cabellero Mujer x Beau Bar Mujer
Miss Rovin Tacky x Rovin’ Jet x Jet Deck
Crissy Dusty Jay
LJ Banjoe Jay x Zans Banjoe
Dusty Dew Jay

Jodie & Warren Woroniecki


7075 28th St.
Hebron, ND 58638
[email protected]

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