Born 6-23-18. ‘Scotty’ is a bay stallion with a larger star, hairs in strip, very small snip a left rear ankle and a left front white pastern. We are just beyond pleased with him. We purchased his mama, Two Tylet Jackie aka Tylie from Hockenson Quarter Horses in Iowa. Tylie is a wonderful buckskin mare. In the past we have had some nice older Two Eyed Jack/Pitzer bred mares that have niched really well with our Paddys Irish Whiskey stallions. With those mares aging we spent the fall of 2016 researching and searching for replacement females that we felt would really step in and complement our program and you cannot find one more Pitzer bred than this one also wearing the Pitzer brand. Hockenson’s had purchased her as a weanling from the Pitzer Sale. Most of Tylie’s pedigree speaks for itself with all the greats. She is a 5 panel NN daughter of Two Eyed Red Buck. Her bottom side is very maternal. The Joe Jack Honey Bar mares are excellent mothers and that mare line has been a cornerstone for the Pitzer broodmares. We love that her bottom doubles up the Harlans Tyree and there is a double shot of Leo in there.
Scotty’s sire is JK Jay Reed aka Pine Cone, a 96% foundation bred stallion with Poco Pine, Continental King by King P-234, Joe Reed II and Whiskey Bert all on his papers. Pine Cone has King P-234 fairly close up and goes back to him six times. Please go to his page to read more about Pine Cone.
We will be evaluating him through this summer and possibly plan on keeping him as a replacement of his sire. We are extremely pleased with this cross and look forward to watching him mature. He is just a day old in these first three pictures. We will update and add more as we get them. He is not for sale at this time but if you are interested in him, please let us know to be on his waiting list.
Genetic 5 Panel Results