Moon Drift JW
AQHA 6370893

2024 Buckskin Mare
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Now in ID. Thanks Tori & Family! 

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we only had interns until the middle of June and are currently without any which we usually have through December of each year. Therefore, we have been delayed with getting our 34 foals on the website & Facebook. Please be patient with us.  We know many folks have been messaging and calling. We won’t have any additional help with halter breaking this fall and are pricing all colts and fillies for the same price of $2000 each with $2250 if they are colored with cream, gray or roan. We will honor the 10% discount for repeat and multiple buyers. We reserve the right to keep which we want for ourselves and to keep some at a higher price. Halter training will be basic and gentled but not to the same degree some of you may be used to.  They will be weaned and eating good for 2 weeks. Genetic testing will be sent in but will be listed as pending for those with no results yet.  Whoop Up Whiskey has a 50/50 chance as GBED carrier; TRR Paddys Texas Gin has a 50/50 chance as HERDA carrier; and handful of mares with have a 50/50 chance as either one or both of those two disorders.

Born 5-24-24. Some years we do a fun theme for names. This year we decided to go with a space theme.  Many of these names are a little loose in thoughts regarding if they are planets, stars, or things found in space.  This filly is named Moon. The moon is a satellite planet that orbits the Earth.

‘Moon’ is a buckskin filly with two blue eyes. One of them is a brighter blue. Her dam, Angel Lace Reed JW, aka Angel, is a foal we raised ourselves and is a very special mare for us as she is named after her wonderful grandmother, BP Princess Lace, who is now deceased after raising her very last foal for us in 2014. Angel is just a fantastic JK Jay Reed daughter out of a Peponita granddaughter, Peponita Laceyed JW. She is moderately sized and nice and thick. We are pretty excited about what she is looking like. We think we see a bit of the Two Eyed Jack coming through from her maternal side. Angel is 94% NFQHA (F0039271). The dam’s sire is our very own JK Jay Reed aka Pine Cone, a 96% foundation bred stallion. The JK Jay Reed horses have a huge amount of ‘cow’. They are very smart, athletic, kind and fast learners. They are the kind of horses that can go any direction from the ranch to trail to show to rodeo. His pedigree speaks for itself and is as foundation bred as they come. Poco Pine, Continental King, Whiskey Bert, Joe Reed II are all on his papers. It is important to note that King P-234 is very close up in his pedigree and he traces to King a total of 6 times! Angel’s first foal was a 2018 bay filly named Paddys Oak Italy JW by Hiline Whiskey. Her 2020 foal was a palomino stud colt named Amarillo Drift JW by Walter O Rielly. We kept her 2021 filly, Sagebrush Drift JW, and her 2022 filly, Pearl Drift JW, as replacement broodmares for us. Her 2023 colt, Chalcedony Drift JW, is sold.

Moon’s sire is Walter O Rielly aka Radar. He became a great addition to our program, and this is his 12th foal crop for us. Due to some health issues, Radar was put down spring of 2024. We have kept back several of his fillies for breeding, but also have kept back fillies and geldings to use as our own personal saddle horses. Radar was a fantastic asset to our program. He brought older foundation lines to cross back with our Paddy's get. Radar threw BIG foals that could cover alot ground with amazing laid back dispositions. Most of his offspring have gone on to be ranch horses, with a few rope and barrel prospects too. We were looking for a foundation Driftwood bred stallion to hopefully get some replacement fillies out of some of our better mares. Radar was a 90.234% foundation bred perlino stallion went to King P-234 ten times, to Driftwood four times with strong doses of Joe Reed, Three Bars and a little Doc Bar. Radar was a 16 hand horse with a huge stride and a gentle personality. He had excellent bone, athleticism and conformation. His lineage tells us that his offspring will have cow and will be capable of performing at any level.

Moon is a very nice foundation bred foal. All of Radar’s foals have wonderful dispositions and are BIG horses that can cover some ground out in the open. She will be 93% NFQHA and eligible to register. We fully expect her to mature into a bigger horse with a kind disposition based on her two sisters here whom we love.  We have not parted with any fillies from this cross and this is the last one as Walter O Rielly is deceased and no longer with us. She has cream but we will let her go for the same lower price and her mama is a GBED carrier herself

$2000 (US)

Foal is eligible for the Iowa Quarter Horse Association Ranch Horse Futurity.

2024 PRICING INCLUDES: Halter/lead rope, negative coggins, health, brand inspection, initial and booster vaccinations of EWT-Flu-Rhino, 1 bag of his current feed, AQHA transfer fee paid and halter training. This is a $300+ value included in the price. Repeat and multiple horse buyers will be less.  If you are not already an AQHA member, you may get your own membership, or we will assess you an additional $65 one-year membership fee to do the $40 transfer for your new purchase.

Genetic 5 Panel Results

Walter O Rielly

Ciderwood x Orphan Drift
Miss Poco Blackmagic x Poco King Tuck
Lacys Keepsake
The Blazin Saddle x Doc's Jack Frost
Kings Holiday


Angel Lace Reed JW

JK Jay Reed
Shadow Ridin Pine x Pine Feathers x Poco Pine
Christine Naugher x Whiskey Bert x Joe Reed II
Peponita Laceyed JW
Mr Salty Peponita x Peponita
BP Princess Lace x SJ Prince x Rodeo Jack x Two Eyed Jack

Jodie & Warren Woroniecki


7075 28th St.
Hebron, ND 58638
[email protected]

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