Paddys Gin Io JW
AQHA 6370873

2024 Bay Mare
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Now In TX with Mario! 

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we only had interns until the middle of June and are currently without any which we usually have through December of each year. Therefore, we have been delayed with getting our 34 foals on the website & Facebook. Please be patient with us.  We know many folks have been messaging and calling. We won’t have any additional help with halter breaking this fall and are pricing all colts and fillies for the same price of $2000 each with $2250 if they are colored with cream, gray or roan. We will honor the 10% discount for repeat and multiple buyers. We reserve the right to keep which we want for ourselves and to keep some at a higher price. Halter training will be basic and gentled but not to the same degree some of you may be used to.  They will be weaned and eating good for 2 weeks. Genetic testing will be sent in but will be listed as pending for those with no results yet.  Whoop Up Whiskey has a 50/50 chance as GBED carrier; TRR Paddys Texas Gin has a 50/50 chance as HERDA carrier; and handful of mares with have a 50/50 chance as either one or both of those two disorders.

Born 5-27-24. Some years we do a fun theme for names. This year we decided to go with a space theme.  Many of these names are a little loose in thoughts regarding if they are planets, stars, or things found in space.  This filly is named Io. Io is a moon of Jupiter and the 4th largest moon in the solar system. Io is pronounced (eye-oh).

‘Io’ is a solid bay filly. Her dam, Peponita Stareyed JW aka Bubbles, is a 2008 mare we raised. Bubbles is built stout and yet very feminine with a nice wide forehead. Her mother, Charjody, was a gorgeous 84% NFQHA double bred Two Eyed Jack with him still on the papers. Bubbles also goes back to Babe Cody by Bill Cody. Her sire is Mr Salty Peponita, (100% FQHA), by Peponita. We always said if this filly grows up to look like her mother, have disposition like the Two Eyed Jacks and perform like the Peponitas, she will be an awesome mare; and that has come true. Bubbles was started very successfully under saddle summer 2010. She was a very calm and steady filly and just super nice to have around. Bubbles easily became a go to mare for us here on the ranch. She really grew into herself and knows a cow. Bubbles will get aggressive and get after something but has plenty of rate to her. She is very laid back, but when she is put to a task, she gets the job done and then relaxes afterward. Bubbles is like the energizer bunny that just keeps going and going and never gets tired.  She has had 4 previous foals for us both bought by the same repeat buyer, 2015 Whiskey Up Cinch JW and 2018 Germany Bartender JW. Her 2020 foal, Del Rio Bartender JW, is with us and had her first foal with Top Gun. She is also for sale. Her 2022 foal, Pirate Bartender JW, is in TX. Her 2023 foal, Copper Bartender JW, sold.

Io’s sire is TRR Paddys Texas Gin aka Tex. This is Tex’s 16th foal crop. He puts very thick and muscular foals on the ground with very nice muscle expression on them as well as a lot of athleticism and as they develop, they have a lot of vigor. The oldest ones have been started under saddle by various buyers and we are hearing good things from all of them. The Paddys Irish Whiskey horses are making a name for themselves in everything from cutting to cowhorse events to roping horses and are very versatile—Tanquery Gin, Doc O’Lena, Docs Starlight, Poco Tivio, Peppy San Badger.

Io should have the size and ability to be a nice rope horse prospect or ranch horse. We are excited about this cross! This is the first foal from this cross and Tex always does a good job putting an athletic built baby on the ground.  We are considering keeping her but will wait on her genetic test results.  With Tex as her daddy she could carrier the HERDA gene so keep watch on her report below.

$2000 (US)

Foal is eligible for the Iowa Quarter Horse Association Ranch Horse Futurity.

2024 PRICING INCLUDES: Halter/lead rope, negative coggins, health, brand inspection, initial and booster vaccinations of EWT-Flu-Rhino, 1 bag of his current feed, AQHA transfer fee paid and halter training. This is a $300+ value included in the price. Repeat and multiple horse buyers will be less.  If you are not already an AQHA member, you may get your own membership, or we will assess you an additional $65 one-year membership fee to do the $40 transfer for your new purchase.

Genetic 5 Panel Results


TRR Paddys Texas Gin

Paddys Irish Whiskey
Peppy San Badger
Doc's Starlight x Doc Bar
TRR Miss Bay Gin
Tanquery Gin x Doc O’ Lena
Right On Able Mable x Right On Tivio


Peponita Stareyed JW

Mr Salty Peponita
Holly’s Serena
Roan Charmer
Miss Jody Relic

Jodie & Warren Woroniecki


7075 28th St.
Hebron, ND 58638
[email protected]

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